Inve$t is a monthly e-publication aimed at savvy retail investors in Singapore. Published by ShareInvestor Singapore on the 5th of each month, Inve$t uses both Technical Analysis (TA) & Fundamental Analysis (FA) to extract the 5 top performing stocks in 3 categories (total 15 counters).

  1. Up-Trending Stocks (Stocks with Technical Analysis showing Bullish Momentum and Price Uptrend)
  2. Growth Stocks (A growth company is any company whose business generates significant positive cash flows or earnings which increase at significantly faster rates than the overall economy. A growth company tends to have very profitable reinvestment opportunities for its own retained earnings)
  3. Dividend Stocks (A dividend company is any company that pays out regular dividends. It is usually a well-established company with a track record of distributing earnings back to shareholders.)

Inve$t presents Price Charts, Volume Distribution Charts and Total Shareholder Returns Charts using ShareInvestor WebPro, our stock market data analytics tool to extract the stocks.

So, Inve$t is indeed very different from the typical newspapers/magazines where we use data analytics & graphical presentation with interactive links which appeals to the mass affluent, data savvy and investment literate readers. For those who prefer reads, there are also regular columns such as Investor-One articles covering investing ideas and companies that are under the radar. Meanwhile, Insider Activity tracks the trades of major shareholders in the past month. Finally, the Investor Relations section features the latest IR announcements from Public Listed Companies.